Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Shindong dan Gyuri bermain dengan gembira

Shindong dan Gyuri bermain dengan gembira satu sama lain selama siaran radio

Wahyu dari Super Junior Shindong dan gambar Kara Gyruri diambil saat istirahat siaran radio baru-baru di website acara radio menarik perhatian banyak penggemar dan netizens.

Dalam gambar, keduanya merancang game saat bermain gembira dengan palu berisi udara yang digunakan sebagai alat peraga kehilangan. Staf yang upload gambar bahkan menulis sebuah pengantar mengatakan: Duo ini tidak terganggu bahwa mereka masih di tengah-tengah acara, mereka juga tidak peduli tentang tingkat masing-masing senioritas dan bermain dengan gembira. Penggemar yang melihat gambar satu demi satu komentar, mengatakan bahwa Shindong dan Gyuri terlihat seperti mereka memiliki hubungan yang baik, mereka berdua terlihat benar-benar cute bermain-main dengan satu sama lain.

Sumber: Harian TV (Cina)
Terjemahan: GoogleTrans

ShinDong and Gyuri playing happily with each other during radio broadcast

The revelation of Super Junior ShinDong and Kara Gyruri’s pictures taken during the recent radio broadcast break on the radio show’s website caught the attention of many fans and netizens.

In the picture, both of them devised games while playing happily with the air-filled hammers which were used as forfeit props. The staff that uploaded the picture even wrote an introduction saying: The duo were not bothered that they were still in the middle of the show, they also did not care about each other’s level of seniority and played happily. Fans who saw the pictures commented one after another, saying that Shindong and Gyuri look like they have a good relationship, the both of them look really cute playing around with each other.

Source: TV Daily (Chinese)
Translation: bulletproof@ sj-world.net 

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